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How to Find the Right E-Signature Solution for Your CRM and Sale Process
April 4, 2024

How to Find the Right E-Signature Solution for Your CRM and Streamline Sale Process

Using an eSignature solution is a great way to streamline the sales process. It allows you to get contracts signed faster and gives your sales team more time to spend on selling.

A good eSignature program should allow for collaboration and document tracking. It should also offer a secure process and clear, consistent on-screen document presentation.

  1. Streamlined Sales Process

Admin is the thief of time, and sales teams are awash with administrative tasks that eat into their ability to sell. By implementing an eSignature solution, you can eliminate manual steps like drafting, signing, and sending contracts for signature, streamlining your sales process.

You can also track the progress of contracts in real-time, so you have an idea where the document is stuck at. This enables you to do follow-ups and chase for signatures, speeding up the contract process.

The best eSignature solutions allow you to customize the signing process with your own branding and logo, as well as personalized fields for document or contract content. This ensures that your documents are professional, and reassures customers that their data is protected.

In addition, a good eSignature platform will provide tools to ensure that signatories receive the right emails and reminders. This includes automated email sends when a document sent for signature hasn’t been signed within the allotted timeframe. You can even add a delay step (available on paid plans) to automatically re-send the document for signature, further automating your workflow.

  1. Increased Customer Satisfaction

We’ve all had the experience of receiving a letter or email from a company that needs our signature on something. These types of documents tend to get lost in the shuffle of daily tasks and often don’t make it to our priority lists. That’s where eSignatures can really help increase customer satisfaction.

A well-designed eSignature solution makes it easy for your customers to sign important documents from any location, at any time, on any device. This streamlined process helps to satisfy consumers’ digital expectations and creates an excellent impression on your brand.

When shopping for an eSignature provider, look for a solution that provides a customizable document template, branding options, and archival capabilities. This will save you time and allow you to track the status of each document in the sales process. It’s also important to consider how your eSignature solution will integrate with CRM systems. This will provide you with more insight into the progress of each document and ensure you have a comprehensive document management system that is tamper-proof, audit-ready, and fully compliant.

  1. Reduced Administrative Time

Look for a solution that allows you to automate the process and reduce manual steps. This will free up time for your sales team to focus on new opportunities.

Additionally, ensure that your eSignature provider provides timely notifications and reminders so documents aren’t missed or misplaced. This will help prevent costly delays in the sales cycle.

You can also save time by selecting a solution with pre-made templates to create more standardized documents and signature blocks for use in the future. Additionally, an eSignature platform with branding options lets you incorporate your company’s logo and messaging into the signing experience, creating a more cohesive and professional user experience.

Finally, your eSignature solution should be compatible with the software you already use. Ideally, your team will be able to sign documents from the same app they use for communicating with customers, like Slack or WorkDay. Look for a solution with pre-built integrations with these apps and other business tools you and your team rely on daily.

  1. Increased Security

An e-signature solution with the right security measures ensures legal and compliance validity. Look for a solution that encrypts data, offers hardware security modules, and conducts periodic independent audits. Look for uptime metrics and failover data centers to demonstrate reliability. Look for a solution that integrates with identity platforms for seamless authentication of signers.

Another key feature to consider is white labeling. This means that the entire signing process is branded under your company’s name – which builds trust and helps differentiate you from other solutions on the market.

The right e-signature solution can bring benefits across departments in your organization, from accelerating sales to streamlining contract workflows. To identify the best solution, start by creating a checklist or matrix of your business’s specific needs and requirements, then compare multiple vendors against these criteria using their features. Evaluate vendor pricing to find a plan that matches your business’s budget and needs. Also, make sure the solution is capable of scaling as you grow — for example, by providing an option to add users and expand licensing.

  1. Increased Compliance

Using an eSignature solution that integrates with your CRM platform helps you track the progress of signed documents. This saves you time and effort compared to manually tracking contracts through spreadsheets or email. It also eliminates the risk of sending documents with incorrect information or to the wrong recipient.

Your eSignature solution should include features like auto-population of data and document customization. It should also have a mobile-optimized application to accommodate the needs of your target market. For example, some companies with a consumer focus may prefer to use an app that delivers the document through secure text messages or web browsers instead of email.

Look for a vendor that provides training and support to help you get the most out of your investment. This can help ensure that your team understands how to use the system and addresses any concerns about the new process.

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